Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mommy's in Prague!

View from Charles Bridge...

The astronomical clock on Old Town Square...

View of the castle from Charles Bridge...

So, I am having a great time in Prague. Nearing the end of my trip now and I am in Brno (with snow) for the conference. First I spent 5 days in Prague, seeing the sights and hanging out with friends. Then on Thursday, I went to Brno for a linguistics conference. Today, I head back to Prague to catch a flight back to the states on Sunday morning. All in all a very nice (working) vacation!

Note from Niko:

For some reason, my mommy wanted to leave me with tati and lejla (for new readers, that's daddy and auntie) for a week and and go to Prague and Brno for vacation and a linguistics conference. I don't really get why she didn't either stay home with me or take me on the airplane with her, but whatever, she's bringing me presents (I want: "a t-shirt with 2 cars on it, 2 books and a present").

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