Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mommy's in Prague!

View from Charles Bridge...

The astronomical clock on Old Town Square...

View of the castle from Charles Bridge...

So, I am having a great time in Prague. Nearing the end of my trip now and I am in Brno (with snow) for the conference. First I spent 5 days in Prague, seeing the sights and hanging out with friends. Then on Thursday, I went to Brno for a linguistics conference. Today, I head back to Prague to catch a flight back to the states on Sunday morning. All in all a very nice (working) vacation!

Note from Niko:

For some reason, my mommy wanted to leave me with tati and lejla (for new readers, that's daddy and auntie) for a week and and go to Prague and Brno for vacation and a linguistics conference. I don't really get why she didn't either stay home with me or take me on the airplane with her, but whatever, she's bringing me presents (I want: "a t-shirt with 2 cars on it, 2 books and a present").

Friday, November 19, 2010


Niko started talking to me in his sleep while I was putting on his sleep sack. He giggled and said 'Look at all the dragons!'

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soccer class...

Here's a still of me at soccer practice. Video is below!
I have recently been taking a very cool soccer class with Coach Anna. She is fantastic! She had us kicking down these cone statues in class last Saturday. Watch me go!

Ride on a firetruck (small one...)

I am finally tall enough to go on the rides at the Zoo by myself! Here's is my on my maiden voyage as the driver of a fire truck! I was quite pleased with myself!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fuzzy Halloween!

I had a super fantastic time trick or treating with this fuzzy group of kids! They are, from the left: Sonja, Raimi, Aidan, me and Ella.

I had TONS of energy for trick or treating. Mom was not sure how I held up running and biking around our neighborhood for 1.5 hours! So, what I did to keep up with the BIG four year olds was to ride my new trike; I had to carry it up the hills! But, it made me very fast on the downhills.

I got really excited about this new trick or treating thing. I would run up to every house by myself (with my friends usually), say something and then get given a little shiny package! Usually, I would say 'trick or treat' 'trick or treat' as I was going up the stairs, but forgot and said 'give me one' once I got to the door! Then I would run back to mom and say 'I got one' 'I got one' and give it to her. She carried the shiny packages for me in her purse. I'm not sure what was in those packages, but going and getting them was super fun!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Pics (the Piggy)

At day care, I thought it was very fun to be a piggy! Everyone was dressed up! Unfortunately, once Halloween rolled around, I was over the piggy costume and opted, instead, to go in a t-shirt and pants trick or treating.