Sunday, December 19, 2010

Potty time...

Sometimes I spend some time sitting on the potty. It has been relatively rare lately, but I still have some interest. Diapers are a bummer, but still much easier than remembering to go to the potty! This is actually the potty at Oliver's house, but I have the same one at home!

Mecho jacket!

Here's me wandering around Berkeley in my 'mecho' jacket (bear in Bulgarian).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Reading with Shel

It is very fun to hang out with Shel. One thing we like to do together is read. She has some very interesting books about chickens.

More Prague pics!

Christmas market in Prague.

Christmas market in Brno.

Night scene outside my hotel in Brno.

Snow out the window of my hotel in Brno.

Snow in Brno!

Here are some more pics from Prague. I love the Christmas markets and enjoyed visiting them in both Prague and Brno. I had arrived just in time to catch the beginning of them. They have stalls that sell traditional Christmas gifts and also have food and drinks (mulled wine, apple cider, sausages, potato pancakes). Very fun! Also, it snowed in Brno, which was very nice, since I never get to see snow.

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

I must say that I LOVE to jump on the bed! And do it while singing "No more monkey's" is even more fun.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snow in Berkeley!

Entering the snow #1

Entering the snow #2

Me, mommy and Mina

Me and mommy

Me and tati

They made snow for the kids in Berkeley. I went with my friend Mina and her parents. She enjoyed it a lot more than I did. I was totally unimpressed. It was cold AND I got in the head with an errant snowball...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mommy's in Prague!

View from Charles Bridge...

The astronomical clock on Old Town Square...

View of the castle from Charles Bridge...

So, I am having a great time in Prague. Nearing the end of my trip now and I am in Brno (with snow) for the conference. First I spent 5 days in Prague, seeing the sights and hanging out with friends. Then on Thursday, I went to Brno for a linguistics conference. Today, I head back to Prague to catch a flight back to the states on Sunday morning. All in all a very nice (working) vacation!

Note from Niko:

For some reason, my mommy wanted to leave me with tati and lejla (for new readers, that's daddy and auntie) for a week and and go to Prague and Brno for vacation and a linguistics conference. I don't really get why she didn't either stay home with me or take me on the airplane with her, but whatever, she's bringing me presents (I want: "a t-shirt with 2 cars on it, 2 books and a present").

Friday, November 19, 2010


Niko started talking to me in his sleep while I was putting on his sleep sack. He giggled and said 'Look at all the dragons!'

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soccer class...

Here's a still of me at soccer practice. Video is below!
I have recently been taking a very cool soccer class with Coach Anna. She is fantastic! She had us kicking down these cone statues in class last Saturday. Watch me go!

Ride on a firetruck (small one...)

I am finally tall enough to go on the rides at the Zoo by myself! Here's is my on my maiden voyage as the driver of a fire truck! I was quite pleased with myself!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fuzzy Halloween!

I had a super fantastic time trick or treating with this fuzzy group of kids! They are, from the left: Sonja, Raimi, Aidan, me and Ella.

I had TONS of energy for trick or treating. Mom was not sure how I held up running and biking around our neighborhood for 1.5 hours! So, what I did to keep up with the BIG four year olds was to ride my new trike; I had to carry it up the hills! But, it made me very fast on the downhills.

I got really excited about this new trick or treating thing. I would run up to every house by myself (with my friends usually), say something and then get given a little shiny package! Usually, I would say 'trick or treat' 'trick or treat' as I was going up the stairs, but forgot and said 'give me one' once I got to the door! Then I would run back to mom and say 'I got one' 'I got one' and give it to her. She carried the shiny packages for me in her purse. I'm not sure what was in those packages, but going and getting them was super fun!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Pics (the Piggy)

At day care, I thought it was very fun to be a piggy! Everyone was dressed up! Unfortunately, once Halloween rolled around, I was over the piggy costume and opted, instead, to go in a t-shirt and pants trick or treating.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch 3

Getting ready to go IN the corral with the animals. At first we didn't realize we could go in.

The goat is trying to eat some food from the bunny enclosure.

I had fun running around the small enclosure--right by the goats and the sheep!


When I went to the pumpkin patch with baba/djado, lelja, tati and mommy, I also visited the petting zoo. It was very amazing. There was a cow (behind a fence), goats, a sheep and bunnies! I got to feed some of the goats.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trip to Pumpkin Patch #2

Here's me thinking about getting food for the goats in the petting zoo.

Here are some more shots from the trip to the pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay. I love pumpkin patches!

Baba-Djado at day care

When Baba and Djado were here, they picked me up from daycare often. Here is the whole crowd coming to get me! Baba, Djado, me and Lelja Zlatka!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Close Ups at the beach

We went to the beach at Half Moon Bay. It was very fun, but veeeery cold! I look a little sad in these pictures, but I really was just a bit cold!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch 1

I am sure we will spend LOTS of time at pumpkin patches this year! Here are a couple of pics my Aunt Zlatka (known by me as 'Lelja') took at a patch in Half Moon Bay. Note that I am wearing my awesome soccer uniform!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grandparents, grandparents, grandparents!

I hit the jackpot last month and got visits from LOTS of grandparents. Very fun.

Here's me and Mimi...

Mimi, me and djado...

And me with both my grandmas!

After bath!

Here's me and mom after my bath. I am sporting the ducky towel from I recently got from my neighbor.

My buds from the neighborhood...

Aidan, Ella, Whitney (Raimi's mom), Raimi, me

Here's me with most of my buddies from the neighborhood! They are very fun to hang out with. We like to walk and ride around the block with our moms and dads. And, yes, I am wearing an undershirt and a diaper in this pic. It was hot!

Baba i Djado sa tuka!

Baba, Djado and me.

My baba and djado visited from Bulgaria this past month. They were here for almost 5 weeks and it was great to hang out with them. My mom will post some more pics of them, but here are a few from the day they arrived.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The beach!

My mom and I had a fabulous time at the beach this past weekend. The weather was finally nice and so we took off to the shore! This is a very cool beach because it is very shallow waaaay out! It in Alameda, so it is on the bay, not the Pacific.