Monday, September 23, 2013

New words!

News on the home front: Lily is now using more and more words:

1. mama
2. du     (duck)
3. ba     (ball)
4. bu     (book)
5. nu     (nursy)
6. ahp   (up)
7. do     (dog)
8. uh uh (everything else!)

And, she'll say "oo, oo, oo. do". This means "woof, woof, woof, dog"! She is very proud of herself for that.

On Saturday, she decided that crawling is only for dumb babies and she wants to walk everywhere. The only problem is this: she doesn't know how to walk yet. So, she sits on the ground, puts up her hand and grunts until someone comes and holds her hand to walk. Cute, but also a little annoying!

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