Monday, September 23, 2013

New words!

News on the home front: Lily is now using more and more words:

1. mama
2. du     (duck)
3. ba     (ball)
4. bu     (book)
5. nu     (nursy)
6. ahp   (up)
7. do     (dog)
8. uh uh (everything else!)

And, she'll say "oo, oo, oo. do". This means "woof, woof, woof, dog"! She is very proud of herself for that.

On Saturday, she decided that crawling is only for dumb babies and she wants to walk everywhere. The only problem is this: she doesn't know how to walk yet. So, she sits on the ground, puts up her hand and grunts until someone comes and holds her hand to walk. Cute, but also a little annoying!

Monday, June 24, 2013


Lily having fun on a walk.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby drives a car...

This is a super fun car! I can make lots of cool noises and drive around the house. Woo hoo!

Tati and Bebka

Here is a very sweet pic of daddy and his baby! Thanks for lelja for taking it.


Lily played with bubbles for the first time. She was enthralled!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Kade is the awesome 15 month old in my nanny share. He can do all sorts of cool things like walk and run and say a few words. Here he is eating lunch, playing with one of Niko's cars and wearing one of my barettes! And here am I in a barrette with my nanny, Hirit.

Niko's Bladium Birthday!

I had a great birthday party on Sunday! We had the party at the Bladium in Alameda where I have been taking soccer classes. There was the most amazing water slide and slip and slide on the outside soccer field. They provided us all with pizza and Mommy and Tati brought fruits and veggies to supplement. We ate out on the field before we played on the slides. Of course, lunch was followed by cake! Mommy and I had picked out a fabulous birthday cake from Safeway. After careful consideration, we decided to have a TRON cake with a light up motorcycle guy on it. It was white cake with custard filling. I'm more of a vanilla fan, not so much on the chocolate.

The celebration was perfect because almost all of my friends were able to come! Ollie, Liam, Oliver, Aidan, Luca, Auggie, Clara, Roger, Binyam, Aurora, Diego and Ruby (we missed Jack!).

We were so busy having fun that we didn't take too many pics, but here are a few.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Someone has new barrettes

Mimi makes beautiful baby barrettes! And we have a cute model.


Lelja took these great pics of Lily!

Batko loves his baby sister

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Pink Sweater

Mom and me in the same sweater! Mom is about 7 months and I'm about 8 months! How cute are we?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mommy and Lily at Stinson!

Mommy and Lily went to Stinson without me! Even so, they had fun. Lily explored sand and they had lunch. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Mommy loves her "El Monte Grandma" and we always visit her grave. This time I helped Mommy decorate it with rocks and pine cones. We have trouble getting flowers to grow, so rocks may be a good idea. This was the first visit for Lily!

Horses with Levi

Here's my cousin Levi again. He has very cool horses! And those are his parents--Ali and Seth. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trip to Pasadena

We went down to Pasadena to visit Mimi and for Mommy to go to her 25th high school reunion! It was fun. These pics are from Kidspace with Mimi (thanks, Leslie!).


Mom loves tulips and taking pics. Here's some of her faves.

Baby eyes

Big baby eyes (and tiny teeth)!

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby are pretty cute. Sometimes I get jealous when Mommy holds the baby, but we talk about it and I usually end up feeling better. Lily likes kisses and snuggles!

Brother and Sister

Bath time!

I love to take baths with my little sis. I am a gentle big brother. We even play with my soccer ball int he bath sometimes and push it back and forth between us! Sometimes we are in the baths together and sometimes the baby goes in my old, pink bath duck!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Milestones for the littlest one

I have a little sister now. She's pretty cool most of the time. Now Mommy is pretty busy and hasn't been posting near enough. Here is an update on the milestones of my baby:

1. Rolling over: 4 months
2. Eating solid food: 5.5 months
3. Sitting up: 7 months
4. First tooth: 7 monts
5. Commando crawling: 8.5 months
6. Getting from crawling to sitting: 9 months
7. Putting small pieces of food in her mouth: 9 months

She's currently 9 months!

Looking cute!

My little sister is pretty funny!

Sitting up!

Here is my little sister in the park. She is pretty awesome at sitting up!

Bestest buddy

I LOVE hanging out with Aidan. We usually have lunch together on Saturdays and then go to FROG park to scooter and generally clown around.


This is my cousin Levi and his mom Ali! He is very cool. He's 2.5 years old and lives on a cool farm in Vermont.