Thursday, May 26, 2011

Night out with Isaac

I went out to dinner at Los Cantaros (my favorite "beans and rice store") with Isaac and his mommy, Elisa last night. It was extremely fun! We ate dinner and ran around like crazy monkeys. After dinner we walked over to Lake Merritt and saw some geese and played in a playground. We got lots of goose poop on our shows, which was totally hysterical! Here are some photos and videos.
My mommy and Isaac's mommy also enjoyed some adult beverages!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Greek Festival!

Aurora, Alex, mommy and me had a fantastic time the Oakland Greek Festival last night. So fun! I got a ballon animal, yummy souvlaki and a dance party! Here's my latest dance video.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Great dinner companion

I like going out to dinner with mommy. I am a very fun dinner companion. I make sure to move around a lot to keep things interesting. Here's pics of me under the table, lying on the booth and just generally being a fun guy. I don't know why the grown-ups are usually just sitting one place the WHOLE time. Definitely not my style.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Niko and djado LOVE to play!

Baba and djado were visiting me for about 5 weeks. It was SOOO great. I just love hanging out with them. Every day they would pick me up at daycare and bring me back home. Usually they would take me to the park near our house and play with me on the slide and with my soccer ball on the grass.

Baba and djado had to leave last week to go back to Bulgaria. I don't totally get where they are when. Sometimes they can come over to my house every day and sometimes they can't. I either see them at my house or on mommy's computer! Grown ups are very confusing!

NOTE: In the top video, Niko and djado are playing "konche" which means "horse". In the second video they are running back and forth in front of lelja's house trying to make the sprinkler go off.

Car parade!

Here's some pics of my recent parade using both my cars and necklaces! Very snazzy.

Playing in the backyard

Playing with sticks and other plant-related items in the backyard is super fun! Here's me trying to poke something. Always a good time!

Playing in the grass

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter bunny!

We didn't do a whole lot for Easter this year. On Easter, Mommy was out of town for the night with Michelle and then the next week, when there was a neighborhood egg hunt, Mommy was sick. So, Mommy pretty much blew Easter for me this year. Good thing daycare helped me make this bunny hat and lelja bought me lots of Easter candy!