Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mommy and Baby!

Over the summer, Mommy liked to walk around the with Lily in the moby carrier. They both looked very cute!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lily comes home!

Mommy stayed in the hospital for 3 nights and about 4 days and then Tati and I went and got them at the hospital. It is pretty exciting (and weird) to be bringing my baby sister home. Lelja stayed with me while Tati was at the hospital with Mommy and Lily and then she was there when we brought Lily home.

Arrival of Little Sister!

My sister arrived on August 24th and was born at Kaiser Oakland. Mom says they were very nice to her there and they certainly treated me well when I visited! They gave me a big brother bracelet to show to the nurses each time I came. Mommy's doctor (Dr. Eastman) also gave me a measurer (also known as a tape measure). There were always lots of big brother snacks when I came by, too (otherwise known as Mommy's food)!

Here are some pics from the hospital:

New arrival

Hi there!

My mom hasn't posted in QUITE a long time. That's because she was pregnant with my little sister and felt sick a lot of the time. That was rough on me because I didn't have my normal mommy to hang out with for a long time. Now, she's more or less back to normal, which is great for me!

Anyway, my little sister arrived on August 24, 2012 and here are her stats:

10lbs 9 oz, 22 inches, born at 8:50am

She was quite a big one and has continued to grow!

My mom has promised to get up to date on the blog over the next few weeks, so expect some new posts!

In the meantime, here's a cute pic of Lily.

Love, Niko