Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nico and Niko get popsicles

Nico is my neighbor and we love to go to Rocky's market to get popsicles.Yummy! And, strangely, both our mom's are named Anne. Makes for some complicated introductions!

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Climbing trees

We went to a birthday party for tucker last weekend. There was this cool tree/camelia bush that was perfect for climbing.

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Ice cream!

Here's me with my fave buddy having I've cream at our fave place. Yummy! We both got the blue this time. I also like white and occasionally, brown.

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Friday, April 27, 2012


We had a fantastic picnic at Roberts park with Liam and Ollie last weekend. It was awesome. We ran around for 2 hours and then ate a little. It was very exciting. We ran all around this huge green grass while our parents watched up and sat and talked.

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Tandem strolling

Sometimes Aidan and I share his stroller. Don't we look cute?

Cute pics

Here are some pics of me over the past few months. I really like wearing my helmet, so I often go places with it on, like restaurants. Aidan and I like going to Japanese restaurants with our mommies. Here's us using our chopsticks! Tati and lelja are posing with Tati as a monkey. He is very silly!

Mable the Cable Car

Tati, mommy and I went to San Francisco and rode a cable car! It was very fun. Tati and I rode the cable car together down the hill a few blocks. Mommy ran beside us (it cost $6 per person, so Mommmy didn't get to ride). It was also super fun to ride BART!

Monday, April 16, 2012

New bike: First ride!

We put together my new bike (I showed tati how to do it) and now I can ride it (sort of). We had to make a few adjustments and now I am pretty good at it! Breaking and steering are things I'm still working on.

New bike!

Baba/djado brought me a new bike from Bulgaria. It is very shiny and bright blue. I love it. Tati and I put it together. I was very helpful and especially liked the hat.

Fun Times with Liam and Ollie!

We are crazy monkeys when we get together. This pic is from about 9 months ago, but we still have just as much fun together. The adult in the pic above is Ollie's dad, Sean. He is very fun! He is always playing with all of us.

Lawrence Hall of Science Visit

Mommy and I had a great time at Lawrence Hall of Science the other weekend. We saw an awesome movie about tornadoes, too. We got to wear these cool 3D glasses. I love going to this museum and Mimi bought us a membership! Yay!

Monday, April 9, 2012

New addition! Our friend Freya

Mommy's best friend Michelle had a baby a few weeks ago (she'll be 5 weeks old tomorrow!). Her name is Freya and she is very adorable. Here are some pictures of her. It is not that fun to go see her because I have to be very quiet and she can't play with me.

Cousin Desi!

I have a really cool cousin in Bulgaria. She is chico Stevie's daughter and is one year younger than me. I met her when I was in Bulgaria in 2010 and I talk to her on skype.

Ollie's birthday!

Ollie had a fantastic superhero birthday party in January. We all got to dress up as superheros and playing some really fun games. Here's pics of me, Liam and then all of us together (Ollie is superman). Ollie and Liam are my best friends from my old daycare.