Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Awaiting a new family member...

You may have noticed that my mommy hasn't posted on this blog for about 2 months. That is a loooong time without updates and pics of my cute face, I know.

Well, it turns out Mommy is pregnant with a little sister for me! We are pretty excited about the new arrival, but she has been making mommy feel pretty sick lately. So far having a sister is not a ton of fun. Hopefully it'll be more fun once she is here!

Now that Mommy is feeling better, there should be more posts on my blog!

Here's some of my favorite comments about my new little sister:

1. Maybe it'll be a race car (when mommy asked if I thought the baby would be a boy or a girl).
2. I think the baby will live at lelja's (aunt's) house.
3. I don't know if she's going to be a girl or a boy. We'll find out when she grows up. (when mommy asked me if I thought the baby was a girl or a boy--before we found out. I always referred to the baby as "she")
4. I want her to live in my room! (more recently, I have been thinking the baby should live here with us. Mommy and tati are happy about this development)
5. I want Mommy! (when mommy asked me if I wanted a baby brother or sister, before she got pregnant)
6. Before Mommy was pregnant, she asked if I wanted a brother or a sister. I said, "I want mommy!"

Coffee with Mommy!

Mommy and I like to go to Peet's together. I get some snacks (preferrably madelines) and mommy gets a decaf. And, look, I fit under the counter!

Christmas, 2011, Part 2

Here are more pics from our Christmas celebration. You can see djado and I blowing up a balloon that powers a little car! Very fun. Also, you can see the beautiful Santa figure that Mimi made us on the side table. We love it.

Christmas, 2011!

We had a very nice Christmas this past year! I was very lucky to have my baba and djado here with me this year! We had a great time.

I also loved the train set my Mimi gave me before X-mas. There are pics above of me enjoying that.