Thursday, September 15, 2011

Emma and Me at the beach

I saw my cousins Maddie and Emma in LA in June and here are some pics I don't think my mom posted yet. It was fantastic to hang out with both of them. I spent some time with Emma on the beach since Maddie had an event to go to with her mom. Emma is way cool!
Weld, Maine

View from the front porch of the cabin

Friends hanging out at the cabin.

Niko on the front porch.

Here are some more pics from mommy and my trip to Maine. Very pretty location and cabin! I was extremely happy there!

Owie in Maine

While in Maine, I got a big owie on my arm. It was a long scrape. It took 3 bandaids to make it feel better. I was a brave guy. After the owie, Mommy and I took a break and watched an episode of Diego and called tati. After that I felt better.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mimi's visit!

Before mommy and I went to Maine, Mimi visited. It was awesome. We all went to lunch at Barney's and to the zoo. I showed her the giraffes, which are her favorites. Here's us all eating ice cream in front of the giraffes.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cabin in Maine

Here's some pics from our cabin in Maine. There was a hurricane while we were there, so we had some rain and then no electricity for a long time! In the pics, I'm holding baby Levi and watching videos on my iPad. And that is the view from our room's window!


My mom has been lax about updating the blog lately! Partly because we recently took a trip to Maine. We got back last Wednesday. We had a great time. We visited some friends in Weld, Maine and hung out in their cabin on Lake Webb. Very fun. Here's some pics of me helping Judith pick squash.