Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mommy and Tati are funny

Mommy and tati are funny! These are some recent pics. Mommy is hiding under her hood on a cold day on the steam train and tati is giving a funny face in the bottom pic.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Me and Mommy

We went to tati's company picnic last Friday and it was FUN! There was a circus, lots of yummy food and some water squirters (among many other things). I took these pics with mommy while we were there.

OK, so I needed a haircut...

Up top are some pics of me pre-haircut in my swimming duds. We stop to get a cookie at a nearby market after we go swimming. Very nice. Then the next day I got a haircut! This is the first time I sat in the chair by myself. I'm a big boy now.

My best buds

Here are my best buds, Liam and Ollie, and I eating popsicles over the 4th of July weekend. They are sooo fun! We had a good time at a BBQ with our families over at Liam's house. Next month we'll go to Ollie's house.

Indigo Girls concert

Mommy left me with tati last night and went to a concert with her friend Heidi. They had a great time and I had fun with tati, too. We played with these stomp rockets, which was FANTASTIC. You stomp on the end of this hose and foam rockets shoot in that air. Very cool!