Monday, June 27, 2011

Creek Exploring!

There's this great creek near a farmer's market in Oakland. Every Sunday, TONS of kids go to the farmer's market with their parents and then play in the creek. This time I went with my good buddy, Raimi. It was super fun. I wore my new Keen waterproof sandals and walked in the creek with shoes on! It took a little convincing, but I decided that having shoes on was more comfortable. I got a little wet, but, luckily, we had a change of shorts in the car.

Friday, June 24, 2011


We were in LA for the weekend and went to this cool kids' museum called Kidspace. It was very cool. I got to be a construction worker (with Desmond, my new buddy). I also got to walk up this really cool blue glass structure. It was awesome! Mommy and tati came with me. Mimi took us all there, which was very nice of her. She is fun to hang out with!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hanging out in Old Town

We were in Pasadena last weekend visiting Mimi and vuicho Jim and vuina Jen and my cousins, Emma and Maddie. We had a great time. Here are some pics of me and the fam having dinner at Johnny Rockets in Old Town and playing with the cool doggie that is on the plaza near the restaurant.

Ice Cream with Mommy

Sometimes Mommy and I go and get ice cream. That is very exciting! I prefer the 'blue' ice cream (regardless of flavor), since blue is my favorite color. It is a little hard for Mommy to understand my ice cream preference, but she usually goes along with it.

PS. Also note my new t-shirt. We picked it up at a garage sale and it has a dump truck and spreader on it. They are making new streets!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another party!

I am sooo popular that mommy had to throw me 2 parties! We had the kids' party on Sat night and the family party on Sun night! We were all very tired once they were both over. But, I got more presents at the Sun night party, so I was happy. In the pics you can see the enormous number 3 that my Uncle Jim and Aunt Regina brought me! They came a little early, so I'm still in my diaper and t-shirt holding the balloon. My mommy made a very yummy cake and we also had a fruit tart from La Farine bakery because it is also Kathleen and George's birthdays this month.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Niko's 3rd Birthday!

I had my birthday this past weekend. It is a very exciting day for me! This year, like all the other years, we had a big party at my house with all my friends and their parents. There were 30 people there! Tati and lelja barbecued for everyone and the kids all went nuts running around the house and playing. It was all topped off by a big ice cream cake lelja bought for me with McQueen and Mater on it. And yes, that is me licking the cake before mommy cut it!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Aurora's Gymnastics Birthday~

Aurora had a fun party at Kids in Motion gymnastics studio. It was incredibly fun! We played a ton in the gymnastics studio (including a fun trampoline) and then also got to have cake. Yum! I got to keep the small Diego from the top of the cake, which was SUPER exciting! After the party was over, I had to head home quickly because I was crying. I was a little sick over the weekend which made me a bit more tired and cranky than usual.
(photo credits--Heidi Hartston)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am very excited because I have a new friend, Aidan. He is mommy's friend's son and he is moving back to Oakland in a few weeks. Yay! I hung out with him and his mommy and grandma last night and we had a great time. We went out for Mexican food at Los Cantaros and then went to the park on Lake Merritt. A very good time! Here is a silly picture of us on the play ground.

Fort Bragg and Mendocino

Mommy and daddy plan fun trips! For Memorial Day weekend we went to Fort Bragg to spend 2 nights at a hotel. Hotels are a little confusing for me. I don't generally like people telling me that I am going to be sleeping not at home, so it was a little bit of a transition. But, there was a pool, so I adjusted! Swimming with mommy in the pool was the most fun thing of the trip, but I also had fun on the hikes to waterfalls and eating ice cream. Mommy didn't take as many pictures as usual, so here are the ones we have--me eating ice cream and me snoozing in the car with my buddies, Froggie and Zebra.