Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fun with Ruby and Heidi

We went to see a woman named Mariela sing and read stories yesterday with Ruby and her mom (Heidi). Isaac and his mom were also there. It was very fun! Afterwards we went out for burgers.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Colder days lately

We had fantabulous weather in early Feb, but now it is back to being pretty cold. I have been wearing my rain coat from lejla and my dinosaur hat! Mom thinks I look pretty cute.

Crazy with Raimi!

Raimi and I like to take all the covers and pillows off the bed and be crazy monkeys! Here's a video of us doing somersaults all over the bed!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Soccer jersey!

I am very excited to wear soccer uniforms! This is a very cool one that mommy bought for me (actually for tati). It is Tati's favorite team and favorite number (Liverpool)! And it has my Bulgarian last name on it!

Fun with Raimi

I have an awesome neighbor who I see a lot. Her name is Raimi and she is a very big girl (4 years old!). Last week we went to dinner with our mommies. Here is us in our car seats in the back of Mommy's car.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cool boat!

This same weekend, I also got to play in this fun boat. Look at my cool hat! (mom says it's a yogurt container)

New headshot!

My friend Alex takes great pics and sometime takes pics of me. I even ended up in her most recent photo exhibition! Here's a new one she took.

Tube and the grass!

I really loved playing with this tube on the grass! Nothing better than running around, especially when it is sunny and warm in January!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ethiopian Food with Mommy!

Mommy and I had Ethiopian food at this cool place last weekend. Very yummy! I got to eat delicious chicken with my hands (not that I don't usually eat with my hands, but this time, Mommy did, too!). Here's me with my froggy, with the injera (Ethiopian pancake bread) and me with the food.