Monday, November 28, 2011


Mommy, tati and I went to the snow this past weekend. I had never seen snow. It was pretty freaky to walk on it for the first time. You sink down! Anyway, once I got used to that, I had fun helping to make the snow man. Mommy will post more pics later, but here is the end result of our efforts!

New verbings

I have been creative with my language lately! Makes perfect sense to me. Here are some things I have been known to say lately:

*When I wanted to see how tall I am: "Mommy, inch me!"

*When I wanted to help clean up: "I want to broom it."

*When eating dinner: "We hotted it."

*When getting ready to go to bed at the hotel (mommy and tati put chairs next to the bed, so I won't fall out): "You have to chair me 'cause I fall out."

Monday, November 14, 2011

Trick or Treating!

I had a fantastic time trick or treating this year! I met Aidan and little Nico after daycare at my house and my mom fed us all some dinner (something about wanting us to have food in our tummies before candy--whatever!). Anyway, we all went trick or treating around my neighborhood. Little Nico only made it for a few houses, but Aidan and I went all around a very long block. When we got to the door, I wanted to make sure that Aidan got candy, too. I would say "This is my best buddy, Aidan, give him candy, too." My mom is always amazed at my endless energy for trick or treating!

We saw lots of people that we know, which was fun. There was only one house that had a scary thing--a skeleton that talked and reached out unexpectedly. That was scary, but other than that, I just ran up all the stairs by myself and said 'trick or treat'! Aidan kept wanting to stop and EAT his candy, but I just charged on! I had a piece or so when we got home, but most of it was either gross or not too interesting. Just GETTING the candy from everyone's house is the most fun part. I don't understand why we only get to do this once a year. I kept asking mom why we couldn't go trick or treating other nights.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween at Lauren's House

Lauren has a great Halloween for all of us (that's my daycare). We all get dressed up, most of the parents come and we go trick or treating to some of her neighbors! We even made our own trick or treating bags. They were very nice and some of them dressed up and were silly or a little scary. All around very fun. I was Tow Mater this year and another friend from daycare, Diego, was McQueen. Very fun!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Neighborhood Halloween bash

It was a fun party! My friend Aidan came and so did a bunch of my neighbors. Above, you can see a pic of Whitney and Raimi. they are a bug and a ninja, respectively. I am Tow Mater from the Cars movie. One of my favorite characters!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin patch

We went to the pumpkin patch with Aidan and his mom, Keri, a few weeks ago. Very fun. I even stopped to show off my underpants (as I only wear underpants now--diapers are for babies).

Mom's roses

My mom is pretty proud of her roses. She took these dewy pics the other morning.

Making wine

Fun at Tres Sabores winery! Our friend, Judith, had us out to visit her at the winery she was working at. They were busy with harvest activities. Very fun! I got to help Adam the juice maker pour juice out of this big grape smooshing machine. Very fun!

Ardenwood Harvest Festival

Aidan and I had a fun time overall at teh Ardenwood Farm Harvest Festival. We got to pick corn, go to a pumpkin patch, go through a hay bale maze and help make apple cider! Woo Hoo! Here are some pics from the petting zoo and the apple cider making (mostly we watched).


My mom took me to Ardenwood farm for their Harvest Festival. While we were waiting for Keri and Aidan to come back with some lunch for us, Mom took these head shots of me. I'm pretty cute, if I do say so myself! (my lip DOES have a big scab on it--I took a nose dive on the side walk a few days before this shot)

Tiger face paint...

I got my face painted as a tiger. As you can see from the pics I wasn't too stoked about it. It was my idea, but I immediately regretted it! So much paint on my face feels really weird! I probably should have started small, with a small picture on my cheek or something!

My friend Raimi got a great picture of a unicorn. It looked awesome!

Checking out labels

I have an important job at the pharmacy. I found the magnifying glass and I check out the various labels for my mom. I am a very helpful shopping assistant! (And this keeps my occupied while Mom shops)

Puppet Show!

Jack and I put on this puppet show at day care! Heidi saw it and sent this pic to Mommy. My new daycare is AWESOME! My best friend Aidan in there and I also play a lot with Jack and Diego.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Emma and Me at the beach

I saw my cousins Maddie and Emma in LA in June and here are some pics I don't think my mom posted yet. It was fantastic to hang out with both of them. I spent some time with Emma on the beach since Maddie had an event to go to with her mom. Emma is way cool!
Weld, Maine

View from the front porch of the cabin

Friends hanging out at the cabin.

Niko on the front porch.

Here are some more pics from mommy and my trip to Maine. Very pretty location and cabin! I was extremely happy there!

Owie in Maine

While in Maine, I got a big owie on my arm. It was a long scrape. It took 3 bandaids to make it feel better. I was a brave guy. After the owie, Mommy and I took a break and watched an episode of Diego and called tati. After that I felt better.