Monday, May 24, 2010

Water with Oliver

Playing with water in the sink is super super fun! Here's some pics of me and my best buddy, Oliver having a blast. Oliver's mom--Ellis--is in the background. Boy is Oliver fun to play with!

Crazy baby on the bed!

Mom and I were playing on the bed and I went a little crazy! Notice how I can do somersaults!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Waiting for Mimi's plane

When Mimi visited a month ago, we had some time before her plane came in, so we played in this little garden. You will notice that the 'garden' is at a gas station. It was fun anyway!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt (Find eggs!)

Here's me and Aurora ('Yoya') waiting to start the egg hunt! Find eggs!

Here's me with ALL my eggs! I was the fastest at finding eggs.

We had a fun Easter brunch at my house. My friends Aurora and Aidan came with their families and Michelle and Matt came, too. We had a yummy waffle brunch and an Easter egg hunt.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fafas at the Zoo!

I love to go to the zoo with Mommy and see the giraffes (fafas). Even Mimi was able to come with us last time. These are pics from my most recent trip with Mommy. Notice the stamps on my hands and arms. I can get as many as I want at the zoo entrance!

Playing with Shel

Shel is very fun. She helps me do really fun things like pouring out all my toys and putting them back in the box. In the middle of the game, we are crazy monkeys with a box on our heads!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gardening with Mommy

Mommy and I are very good gardeners. We spend a lot of time taking care of the roses in the front yard. We dead head the roses and pull weeds. I am getting good at pulling the weeds and am learning not to pull the petals off the flowers. Mommy is so particular! Anyway, we decided to mow the lawn. Here are pics of me taking care of that.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mom's back to work...

Here's me in my outfit for the day.

Here's me and my lunchbox.

Carrying lunchbox to the front door.

Pointing out an airplane in the sky...

Now that mom is going back to work, Tati and I help each other get ready in the morning and then Tati takes me to either my new day care or to Pammy and Tula's. Here's me getting my lunchbox and carrying it to the car. Also, I always remember that I need a hat, shoes and a yakek ('jacket').

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New trike!

Mommy and tati bought me this new tricycle! It is very cool. I am still a little bit to little for it, but soon it will be perfect.

Mimi visits me!

My Mimi flew in from LA to visit me and mommy and we had a great time. Here's me and Mimi reading a story she brought me about a cricket. We also went out to lunch and visited the zoo. I got to show Mimi my favorites there--the fafas (giraffes) and the tigers.