Monday, April 12, 2010

Ciao, Baba i Djado!

Here's me with my grandparents right before they flew back to Bulgaria. I still look out the window in the mornings and wait for them to come. Lately, they haven't been showing up. I miss them! Luckily, we are going to visit them in late May, so I'll get to hang out with them soon.

Me and Djado in the garden

Djado and I had LOTS of fun while he was here (he went back to Bulgaria last Thurs). We spent lots of time gardening. I have a little shovel that I like to use to help in the garden.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Keri and Ember Visit

Here's mom, Ember (with Hanix), Keri and Aidan at a park in SF. The slide was too fun for me to take a break and pose for a pic.

Here's me on the slide--very cool!!

Aidan and I were tired when we finally went home after playing at the park with Ember and having dinner at the Front Porch. I love my buddy Aidan. I am bigger than him (he is 15 months), so I tried to take care of him by patting his head and hugging him.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Out to lunch with the H5 gang

Here's me (feeling constrained), mommy and Kasey (and baby bump).

Here's Lukas, Shadi, Mattias, Keri and Aidan

I went out to lunch with a bunch of mommy's friends from her old job. They all have babies or are pregnant now! It was crazy. 4 mommies and 4 babies (and one due in 2 days). Phew! It was fun, but we were all a bit crazy.

Hanging out with Djado

I've been hanging out with my djado (Bulgarian grandpa) a bunch lately! And my baba (grandma), too! They are very fun. Djado and I keen ('clean') the house with my broom, we go to the park and we play in the garden. He does whatever I tell him to, which is awesome. They leave on this coming Thurs. I don't know about that yet, but I will be sad when they are no longer around.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oliver and Niko jumping on the bed...

Oliver and I are super cool. We spent some time jumping around on Oliver's couch and twin mattress (I do not have such cool stuff at home). Oliver is really good at jumping, but I have not mastered that yet. Enjoy our antics in this video! Notice how I make the jumping motions, but can't actually get off the ground.

Here is a cute pic of Oliver. He is my best buddy (and we share a birthday, which is cool).


Maddie, me and Emma
Maddie, me and Emma
Uncle Jim and me
Emma, Maddie, mommy and me

My cousins visited for dinner the other night and it was awesome! They are super fun. Big kids are just great.