Monday, January 25, 2010

Walk with Mom

I'm in my rain get-up and ready to go! (monkey coat, rain boots).

First we have to look at the rocks and pick one to take with us.

Then we gaze at the sun hanging on our neighbor's gate. Niko calls it 'moona' (for 'moon'--he hasn't quick got the gist of sun vs. moon yet).

Wow, here's another field full of rocks. Which one do I pick?!?

PS. I got my cast off today!! Yeah! The doctor says I am as good as new now. My baby doll also got his cast off, too. Good thing that we are both cast-free now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fun on the swing!

Since my last videos didn't work too well, I thought I would post another one of my on the swing. Hope this one works...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun on the slide!!

The slide is SUPER fun. Here's me playing on one.

Looking for Squirrels

Here's me and tat at the park looking for squirrels. We even found some!

Lunch at Barney's!

On Monday (MLK's birthday) I had lunch at the burger place, Barney's with 2 of my best pals, Michelle (aka 'Shel') and Matt. Very fun. I had TONS of yummy french fries. They also wanted me to eat some chicken, not sure why when the fries were so great.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Riding in the Stroller--with cast

It is a little hard to hold my cast up all the time, so I often rest it on something near by--like my stroller snack tray.

Fun at the Park!

I had fun at the park yesterday! I rode on this adorable duck and stuck my head through this hole!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New cast!

Close up of the cast.

Me sleeping on the way home from the doctor.

Today I got my permanent cast. Phew! It is smaller and much cuter than my old cast. Look at it--blue and not over my elbow! I was a very good boy at the doctor--no crying. And they messed with me a lot. I had to get my old cast off with this really loud sawing machine, new x-rays, seeing the doctor AND getting the new cast. The cast lady was especially nice to me. I think all the appointments pooped me out because I fell asleep on the way home.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Mimi got me this awesome basketball hoop for X-mas. My whole family likes to play with it!

Helping with Laundry

Here is me helping mom with laundry. I really like to help and it is fun to play with the dirty clothes!

Me and the Mono

Tat gave me this monkey for Christmas! I think it is very cool. When I opened it, I thought it was a little scary, but now I love it.

Nice cast!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I fractured my arm last week. We are not sure how, but it started hurting a little on Monday. By Thurs, my parents decided to take me to the doctor. Good thing because it turns out that my radius (and that other bone in my forearm) were fractured. They call it a green fracture because my bones are still a little bendy and so the bones just a little bent and broke just a teeny bit. Now that my arm is in a cast, it doesn't hurt anymore. Next week I go and get a more permanent cast--a fiberglass one. I get to choose the color. My mom has already been coaching me on what would be a good choice. I will keep you updated on the situation.
