Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Organizing my toys

Sometimes I need to take out all my toys and look at them. Here I am going through that process. It is very serious work. (I am wearing a sweater my great grandma made me--Baba Zlatka. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet her, but I hear she was great.)

Window Pic

Mom likes this weird pic of me through a window. I'm wearing my Stanford sweatshirt!

Video for Mimi!

We took this video right after Mimi's surgery to make her feel better. Let's see if it works!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Outing with mom

Here we are getting going in the morning. Mom usually lets me drive. I am getting pretty good at it. I can reach the steering wheel really well. Just gotta work on seeing out the windows (and I think there might be something I am supposed to do with my feet)....

Here's a video of me wandering around Emeryville. We had to do our last minute X-mas shopping. After this, mom took me to the book store--awesome!!

Phew, the outing is over. Boy, am I tired.

Yard work with mom

Here's mom and I hanging out in the front yard. We were pruning the roses. We took a break to lie on the grass.

Walking down the street...

Here's some pics of me wandering around the streets in Berkeley on the way to the Y with mommy. I had to wear my hat and warm coat because it was cold. We went swimming at the Y, which was very fun.

Some holiday presents

I got this cool train set for X-mas. Santa was thinking of me!! (Tat is in the background.)

This was a present for my buddy Susan, but I had to try it on first.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holding hands

I am not sure why these people are standing around the Gap. I make sure to go and hold their hands and see how they are doing. Sometimes I try to get them to walk or dance with me by trying to pull on both their hands. So far they haven't followed me.

Sleeping Baby

Baby Mom's Group Party!

Wow, look how we've grown! On Sunday my baby friends came over with their mom's and we terrorized everyone with our loud playing! It was great fun. Here is a pic of us playing and some group portraits. Tula is showing some skin!

Walking with Michelle

My friend Michelle (I call her 'Shew') is very fun to hang out with. We had a very nice time walking to Peet's from her house.

Mimi has an owie

I wanted to let everyone know that my Mimi has an owie on her knee. Mommy told me that she went to the doctor on Thursday to have the doctor fix it. I hope she is feeling better now. We have talked about her owie a lot over the past few days and I hope the doctor made it better. I even pretended to have an owie on MY knee to sympathize.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Saint Nicholas's Day

The angel, devil and Saint Nicholas talked to all the kids.

Here's me trying to escape the angel who was trying to give me a present.

Dad was trying to protect me from the angel who is trying to give me this very cute stuffed bear.

In the Czech Republic, Saint Nicholas Day is a big event (Dec 6th). St. Nick, an angel and a devil walk around town and scare kids/give them presents. The kids are supposed to prepare a poem or a song to say and then they get a present. They didn't make me say anything, but it was scary to have these big people trying to touch me and give me stuff. Yikes!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bear Hat

I have a new hat for the cold weather we are having. At first I cried when mom put it on me, but now I like it. I look like my teddy bear now! (can you see the little ears on top of the hat?)

Oliver and a Colander

Here's Oliver sporting his new look.

Here's Oliver and his mom, Ellis.

I got to play with Oliver tonight and it was really fun. He was being pretty silly and put a colander on his head. He walked around with it for a long time! Oliver is very fun.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bath Duck 2

I take a bath in this great blow-up duck. Here is me maneuvering it into the bathtub and attempting to climb into it. Usually I take baths naked, but this time I thought I would go in fully clothed.

Mimi, Mimi, Mimi

I think Mimi is way cool. Everyday I say 'Mimi, Mimi' and mommy tells me the story of when Mimi visited a few weeks ago. I love hearing the story! We went to the airport to get her, went out to lunch for french fries (the big people also ate hamburgers), went home and played and then took her back to the airport. It is a fascinating story and I can't get enough of it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mimi got it for you...

My mom has been trying to put me in some crazy clothes now. Yikes. Her taste is questionable. But, when she puts me in the clothes that Mimi got me, I am very happy. Then I can go around all day and point to my shirt and say 'Mimi!'. Phew, glad Mimi is on the case and helping mom pick out clothes.