Friday, October 30, 2009

Behind the gate...

Mom took these pics of me playing behind this gate.

Pumpkin Patch #2

I went to another pumpkin patch with my buddies Aurora and Ruby (and their moms, Heidi and Alex). It was very fun. Lots of pumpkins and there was also this cool straw bale maze. In the maze there was this tunnel I got to crawl through. All in all a fun trip!

Helping Mom and Dad

I thought that the clothes needed to be rearranged (onto the floor).

Then I sat in the middle and went through them. My parents do not know how lucky they are to get the extra help!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I went to a local pumpkin patch with my mom, Ellis and Oliver the other day. I had never seen so many pumpkins! It was very cool.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Walkin' with Tat

Tati and I usually hang out on the weekends. This is from a few weekends ago when we went out for lunch at Barney's in Rockridge

Bicycle Racks

Bicycle racks are totally fun to play with. I love that I can walk right through them!

Hanging with my peeps

There were these totally cool pint-sized chairs outside a store on 4th Street in Berkeley. I had a fantastic time sitting in them and playing around. A couple of my buddies joined me, too. The girl in the middle is Aurora, one of my best buddies. I like to kiss her a lot.

Driving with Oliver

You might not believe it, but Oliver and I can drive a car. We could barely believe it either, but here is video proof. We might get a little distracted, but we have all the basics down--mirror adjustment, steering wheel management, back seat exploration...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Mom thinks I look pretty cute when I'm sleeping, so here are some sleep shots. I especially like to snooze with tat!

Sleeping in the car.

Sleeping in bed with 'tat' (dad).

Whew, it was hot--sleeping in just a diaper.

Big News: I got my hair cut

First, they tried to put me in this car. I didn't fall for that.

Then they let me sit on mom's lap. Here I am looking warily at the hair cutter.

I tried to shield my head with a toy train, to no avail.

Leaning way over didn't work either.

There was no escape.

Here's me, post-cut, recovering.

The big people tortured me again. They made me go to this place where they had really fun toys, but they also wanted me to sit in a chair while some guy I didn't know touched my hair. Totally unfun.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New eating arrangement...

Here's dad feeding me in my new chair.

Now that I am a bigger boy, I eat at the table with my parents! I have this cool chair that hooks on to the table, so I can get right in there with all the grown-ups. I am WAY too big for a high chair now.