Friday, September 25, 2009

Fun with Tula

I share a nanny with Tula (Pammy). I love hanging out with both of them. The other night I got to hang out with Tula all evening and we had dinner with her grandparents. Tula and I loved to climb on this chair.

Me and Oliver at the Zoo

We have matching snack traps and we kept swapping them throughout the day. The other kid always has better snacks (that goes for water, too).

Here I am telling Oliver some stuff.

Oliver through a traffic cone!

We slid down this hill on our bottoms.

It was funny when our moms talked to us through the cone. Here's my mom doing it.

I have had a lot of fun with my friends lately. The other afternoon I went to the zoo with Oliver and his mom, Ellis. We had a FANTASTIC time! We got to run around and explore. I especially liked seeing the toucans and playing with the orange traffic cone I found.


Bathtime is very fun. I take a bath in this big, pink duck. AND I play with rubber ducks in the water. Lots of ducks!

My car

My mom got me a car. Yes, that's right. I am 1 and I already have a car--how cool is that! Here is a video of me playing with it at the park.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My current stats

Hi all! I just went to the doctor and got weighed and measured and everything (and got a few shots which was rough). Here's my new stats:

31.25 in or 79.4 cm tall
22 lbs, 1 oz or 10 kg heavy
19 in or 48.3 cm head circumference

Words, words, words!

I thought I would take this opportunity to post about my new words. I have quite a few now and I am always excited when I can get the big people to do what I want just by talking to them!

Here's the list of my current words:

pwah: bird (from Bulgarian, 'pileh')
duck: duck, cracker, truck, bath (I take a bath in a plastic duck raft)
bu: pacifier
agua: water, milk (from Spanish)
bow bow: dog
ka: cat
mam: mom
tat: dad (from Bulgarian, 'tati')
ba: ball
mo: more
katka: squirrel (from Bulgarian 'katerichka')
dis: this
dat: that
der: there
aye: hi
aye: bye

Playing in the Sand

Here's me at the park playing in the sand. I found this cool plastic container that I could put stuff in.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Teddy's Birthday Party

I had a great time at Teddy's birthday (he turned 9). We ate pizza, which I think is delicious! I love to watch the big kids and do what they do.

Parks are tiring...

We had fun at the park. Mostly I ran around looking at stuff. Phew, I was tired out when park playing was over!

Loving to Read!

It is good that I have time in my car seat. That way I can catch up on my reading. Have to stay informed about the dinosaurs.

Playing the Front Yard

Playing in the front yard is super fun! Here I am looking in the dirt and walking down the driveway. I was especially having fun throwing my ball down the driveway and watching it roll into the street! Most fun was watching mom run down and fetch the ball. For some reason, she didn't want to play this game for too long.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crazy Boy!

I had a great time on this play structure! I have a lot to say these days. Too bad the big people don't usually understand what I'm saying.

Trip to Fourth Street

Here's me walking down the street. I am going to go and check out the doggie sign.

Here's me walking and pointing. One of my favorite activities.

I got a chance to have a snack while Mom was eating lunch. Yum!

Peeking over the chair...

Mom took me to 4th Street in Berkeley and we walked around a bit. It was fun to see everything. I showed Mom a couple of things and then we went home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nanny share with Tula

This is a picture of Pammy, me, Tula and Ruby.

I love my nanny share. I get to hang out and play with Tula a couple of days a week. And the nanny, Pammy, is pretty fun, too. She taught me how to say 'agua' which means 'water' in Spanish.