Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Point Reyes Pics

Here's a pic of me and dad digging a sand pit. He's really good at digging. I mostly just rolled in the pit and pushed sand back into it. We bought dad a bigger shovel after this trip--my little one isn't big enough for his digging plans.

Strolling along the beach.

Watching all the action going on. Lots of big kids playing!

These pics are actually from Stinson Beach (where we went on our way home from Point Reyes). Stinson is a few miles down Hwy 1 from Point Reyes. We had a great time! The weather was a bit cloudy and slightly chilly, but no problem for us tough guys.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Point Reyes Trip

We took a very fun trip to Point Reyes for the weekend. Point Reyes is a State Park in Marin County that we like to visit. There are cool hikes (though mom and dad didn't take me on a hike this time) and nice beaches. We went to the beach a couple of times and stayed at a nice bed and breakfast that had llamas, sheep and kitties! Here's us at the beach the first day. We didn't go in the water--we were scared by the sign!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fun with Dog Dishes!

My friend Kathleen has this great water play area/dog water dish that was so fun to play with that I even took out my binky!

They gave me a ducky to swim in the dishes.

Wow, it is SO fun!

Visit in Palo Alto

I went to Palo Alto with Mom and Dad to see my friends Susan and Paul. Here are pics with me and Paul and Dad. We had a fun picnic in their backyard and I got to climb on some tables. I'm getting a little better at climbing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baby Model

Mom was clearing out some overgrown mint in the backyard and took this picture of me. I look like a baby model!

Stinson Beach Fun

Here's me and mom wading in the ocean.

We bought a new beach umbrella to protect us a bit from the sun.

Sand got everywhere!!

I'm sticking out my tongue in this one. Maybe in preparation for licking the sand (I did that later on in the day). I need to know what everything tastes like!

I'm escaping the waves!

Wow, the ocean is very cool!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Niko the Walker

This was taken last week when I was a new-er walker. Now I am even better at it!

Park with Ruby AGAIN!

My parents went to a boring movie (Harry Potter something) while I got to go to the park with Ruby and her mom and dad. We had a GREAT time. Ruby's mom provided this pic.

Montclair Park with Ruby

Ruby and I went to the park on Friday (our moms tagged along). The best thing about the park is the birds! I am fascinated with birds. This is a goose that we saw (otherwise known as 'pwah').

Taking a Swim in a Fountain

There were a couple of other babies and big kids playing in this fountain when we came along. I decided to join in the fun! Good thing mom was willing to go along.

Doggie Statue

When I was in Healdsburg a few weeks ago, there was this cute dog statue that I found.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I have been told that I have a very nice tummy.

The Walker

Now that I am walking, my mom has become obsessed with taking videos and pictures of me (even more so than before). Here is one of me walking around yesterday on Fourth Street in Berkeley. I must say, I am quite pleased with myself.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

With my Buddies at the Zoo

Here's me with Ruby (on the left) and Katie (on the right). We are having a GREAT time at the Oakland Zoo. Now that I can walk, the zoo is even more fun! I was walking and ended up in the middle of a group of big kids walking with their camp group! Mom has to keep a very close eye on me now.