Thursday, July 30, 2009

Walking down the Street

Mom and I went to get coffee in Montclair and I took charge of the key (you never know what mom might do with it). Here's me taking charge and walking down the street with my gear (key and straw). I even know how to open the car door!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mom's Group Reunion!

Isaac is the man--check out his awesome hair!

Here's Sylvia getting us drinks. She was a great hostess!

Oliver thinks his mom is pretty funny.

Niko and Maya are sharing a moment.

Here's is all of us--I can't believe it has been a year since we met. The babies are all so big now!

I love to read!

Sometimes I am very quiet and mom gets worried. Then when she finds me, I am reading! Reading is fun and I am starting to be able to do it myself. I am a pro at turning the pages and looking at the pictures. I am still working on which way the book has to be turned, though. (PS. My mom's friend Masha gave me this fantastic book!)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Waiting for Moms

I love my nanny share with Tula. At the end of the day, we look outside waiting for our moms to come and pick us up. My mom was already here, but we are on the look out for Tula's mom!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Walking around Healdsburg

These are pics of me walking lately. Walking is my new favorite activity. I spend some time walking, some time falling and some time pushing myself back up with my hands.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Walking Baby!

Here's me walking! I walked the longest distance EVER yesterday without falling. Whooeee! Mom is happy that I have been sleeping well with all this walking. Not sure why that matters to her because I am so fun to play with.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm a walker!

Hi everyone,
I think it is safe to say that, now, I am a walker! After playing with Oliver on Thursday night, I got very inspired by his expertise in walking (he has been walking for a month now). So, in order to keep up with him, I had to walk more! Now I can walk 5-6 steps in a row before falling down. My favorite thing to do around the house now is to walk, fall down, get up, walk, fall down, get up, all while laughing hysterically.

Fun with Oliver

It was very fun to hang out with Oliver in the backyard and use my walker. Some of the time we shared it! Oliver also thought it was fun to suck on the hose.

Here's us inspecting the walker.

Oliver was very excited to see my bath duck. I take a bath inside this duck-shaped tub now. My lelja (auntie Zlatka) was very nice to suggest that we get this.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cool pics of our house

Mom is growing sunflowers in the front yard. The first one bloomed yesterday!

We had an amazing rainbow over the weekend. Very cool.

The Bathtub is Super Fun

The bathtub is really cool. I like to stand next to it and stick my head in. Sometimes I can reach super fun toys like my mom's shampoo bottle. Then I drop them back in the tub and wait to see how long it takes for her to hand it back to me (it usually takes a really long time!).

Saturday, July 11, 2009


One off my new words is very useful. It can be used to talk about a few different things. 'Guck' means 'duck', 'truck' AND 'cracker'!

Water Glass

Water is really fun to play with. Mom left this glass out. It must have been for me!

Recent Head Shots

My mom took these pics of me in the backyard recently. She must think I'm cute or something!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Buggy!

Fun at the Lafayette Reservoir with mom. Here's me standing under a picnic table.

Here's my fabulous new buggy.

Look at me in my new buggy! Mom got this for me and I can sit in the car while she pushes it. Pretty fun! And, I have even learned not to leap out of the car while it is moving. Big advance for me.

Oliver is Fun!

Oliver and I had a FANTASTIC afternoon yesterday with our moms. We went shopping! There is a huge staircase at the store and Oliver and I raced up it a bunch of times. Whenever we got to the top, our moms plopped us back down at the bottom and we raced up again! I heard our moms say something about tiring us out, but I'm not sure what they were talking about. Here is a shot of Oliver in his stroller after our adventures. He likes to put his feet up.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Steps

Hi all!

I took my first steps today! I was at the Oakland Zoo at the Sun Bear exhibit and mom and dad were both watching. I took 4 steps in a row and then fell down on my bottom. I tried it a couple more times throughout the day.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


My mom think she should update everyone on my current abilities and my size, etc.

First, size:

Weight: 19 lbs, 12 oz (9 kg)
Height: 2 feet, 6 inches (76 cm)
Head size: 48 cm (very big!)

New skills:

I walked a few steps on my own this past week, and I am often standing on my own! I can say a few more words now: mama, tat/tati ('daddy'), pwa ('bird') and guck/duck ('duck'). I still crawl everywhere very fast and enjoy getting into everything at home.

Helping out around the House

I am really good at helping mom out around the house. I help with all sorts of things. I am especially good at organizing. Mom can be kind of messy.

Organizing the bowls:

Organizing the shoes:

Helping sort the laundry:

Cleaning the bathtub:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sand Doesn't Taste Good, (Beach, Part 2)

I had a GREAT time playing on the beach and even got to borrow some sand toys. But, just wanted to let you know: sand doesn't taste good (and it's hard to get out of your mouth).