Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun at Stinson Beach, Part 1

I went with my family to Stinson Beach on Father's Day. It was very fun. I hung out with mom, dad and my aunt. Here's me with the folks.

Here's 2 more shots of me. I had fun wading in the water with mom. Good thing she was holding on to me!

Tula's Birthday!

Gotta grab a beer.

Here's me and Tula comparing our lovely leis.

Woo, that was an exhausting and fun party. I am very dirty and tired now.

Beach Trip to Santa Cruz!

I love the beach! Here's me playing with this cool stick I found.

Crawling on the beach is a little harder than crawling on regular ground.

I'm a little tired from my time on the beach, but still having fun!

Lelja Zlatka wrote my name in the sand!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At the Zoo, Part 2

Me and Katie hung out at the Zoo together. Here's us in front of the chimpanzee exhibit. Mom just joined the Zoo, so we'll be going there a lot. I'm very excited!

At the Zoo, Part 1

We took a sky tram ride over the Oakland Zoo today. It was fun for me. I kept trying to lean over the edge, so it was a little scary for mom, but we both survived just fine!

Here is the giraffe exhibit from the sky!

Katie and her mom were also on the ride--here they are on another seat in front of us.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Party!

I had two awesome parties! Here are some pics from my 'kids' party on Saturday, June 13th. I had a lot of fun hanging out with all my buddies!

Here'e me with mom and my birthday cupcake! Teddy helped me to blow out the candle while my fans looked on.

Here's a shot of the group playing. There's Daniel in the background with the walker, me in front of Daniel and Tula and Ruby in the foreground playing on the floor. We had a GREAT time!

Here's me with Ruby. She liked wearing the birthday hat I gave her (I wore one for about 20 seconds).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Santa Cruzin' Again

There was this awesome bowl of water that I played with. I think they put it here for me to play with! (mom said it was a dog bowl, but I don't think she knew what she was talking about). Once I was done playing I dumped it all over myself!

After playing with the water and crawling all around, I was pooped! I took a long nap in the stroller while mom walked along the beach.

Into the Gap

Mom took me to the Gap yesterday when we were in Santa Cruz. They had these really fun toys there! I liked to stand up under the tables and play. I was also crawling SOOOO fast that mom could barely take a picture of me.

My Walker!

I recently discovered my walker! I can now walk around the house by pushing the walker. It is very fun. I am getting to be a very big boy. Here is a video taken my my friend Ruby's mom at my birthday party last Saturday. Everyone is cheering me on!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birthday Cake...

Icing on my hands is gross.

 Cake in my mouth is intolerable.

I do not like birthday cake. I'm not sure why the big people are torturing me.

Birthday Boy!

It was my birthday on June 11th and I celebrated with my peeps that evening. We all had pizza and salad and the grown-ups also had beer and wine. And everyone had birthday cake! Here's me observing the cake phase of the celebration. I liked the candles and the people singing to me!

I Love Balls!

Mom took me to this store with an awesome selection of balls (Old Navy)! For some reason, she spent most of the time looking at clothes. Here's me trying to get my hands on a ball.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Amazing Turtles at the Zoo

There were these really cool turtles in the alligator exhibit. Ruby, Katie and I spent a lot of time looking at them. I really love going to the zoo. So far I have been 3 times!! I like looking at the at the animals (when I am paying attention) and it is fun to crawl around with my friends. Mom thinks it is a fun excursion, too.

Birthday Boy!

For my birthday, mom took me to the zoo for a picnic with my buddies Ruby and Katie. We had a great time. Here is a pic of me at the zoo. (Mom will post more soon.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hanging with Michelle

Most weekends I get to hang out with Michelle. She is awesome! Here's a shot of us together. She is coming to my birthday party today and I'm very excited.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Beautiful Big Sur!

The view of the ocean and rocks of Big Sur!

Here's me and dad looking at stuff in the ocean.

Phew, the hike was tiring. I had to take a quick nap.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day at the Zoo, Part 2

Here is Ruby at the zoo...

Oliver at the zoo...

And another one of me at the zoo!

Phew! Seeing all the animals tired me out!