Monday, April 27, 2009

Crawling around

Here's a video of me crawling down the sidewalk.  Mom seems to think it is cute to take videos of me moving around.

Tilden Park Hike with Mom

Here's me in the new stroller Mimi helped mom buy for my upcoming first birthday. I love the new stroller and mom says it has lots of good features for her, too.

I got to examine some stuff in the grass. Grass is pretty cool.

Here's the view of the San Francisco Bay from our hike (it's hard to make out the bay, but it is there).

Tilden Park's Carousel!

Here's me pointing at the merry go round.

There is a Carousel at Tilden Park in Berkeley and mom took me there for the first time yesterday.  It was very fun. Mostly, though, I liked playing on the grass outside the carousel. She also took me on the carousel and I mostly didn't cry.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter at My House! #2

"Hidden" eggs on the carpet.

Me finding eggs!

The Easter bunny came and "hid" eggs at my house.  I found them lying around on the carpet! The eggs look like different sports balls (my buddy Teddy picked them out for me).

Easter at My House! #1

Here's Michelle holding me. I am chewing on one of the eggs the Easter bunny brought me.

Here's Michelle helping me meet my stuffed bunny.

I decided I needed to let off a little steam.

My mom had an Easter brunch at my house this year in honor of my first Easter.  My best buddy Michelle was there and it was very fun to hang out with her.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Video from the Park

The park was so fun that mom took a video of me playing on Keri's stroller. I was laughing a lot and she thought that was funny. (sorry that it's sideways--mom's not sure how to fix that problem)

At the Park

My mom and I had fun at the park in Albuquerque. I crawled around on the grass and swung in the swing. My favorite thing to do.

Hike in La Luz

Today we went on a hike in the Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque. The view was gorgeous and we had a very fun time. We had a picnic after the hike. Aidan and I were in our carriers, which was great. Doesn't Aidan look cute all bundled in his carrier?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aidan and Keri

Aren't they cute!

Lunch in Santa Fe with Aidan

Aidan and I had lunch in Santa Fe at a yummy restaurant called La Choza. Aidan had the breast milk and I had some of mom's beans and pozole. The top pic features me playing with my keys and looking around the restaurant. The bottom pic shows Aidan in his mom's arms.

Santa Fe, Santa Fe!

We went to Santa Fe today (me, Mom, Keri and Aidan). It was very fun. I liked crawling around the stores (I took off on my own for a bit). I also liked to play in the mirror at the shoe store.

In Albuquerque with Aidan

My mom took me to Albuquerque to visit Keri and Aidan. It is really nice here! Here's me and Aidan in our matching car seats. We were sleeping and then laughing it up!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tooth Count

Fully exposed: 5
Through the gum: 2
About to poke through: 1
Grand total: 8 

First Word

My parents are not totally convinced, but I keep telling them about my first word: 'pwah'. It means 'bird'. My baba keeps saying 'Kade e pile?' ('Where is the bird?') and 'pwah' means 'pile' (or 'bird'). My parents think it is cool that my first word is in Bulgarian.

Visiting with Michelle and the Lade

Auntie Michelle shows me her kitty--Marmelade.  He is big and furry and orange (as well as endlessly fascinating). I like to point at him.

He took off and I went crawling after him.

Cool Bath Pics

Here's me in my bath.  The light was coming in the window and it made the pictures look cool. I love the bath. I like to read my fruit book and play with my dinosaurs.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Loving standing up

I discovered this new thing I can do--pulling myself up to standing. It is really fun and gives me a new perspective on the world.  I am very proud of my new talents.

New Garden

My mom is very excited about the garden.  The roses are starting to bloom.  We look carefully at all the flowers every morning. Sammy (the kitty) also likes to check everything out.

Lunch with Oliver

My best buddy Oliver at lunch (Flipper's)

I went to Flippers with my best buddy, Oliver and our moms.  We had a great time.  Oliver is very funny.  I like to share my sippy cup with him.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gardening with the Family

Here's me with one of favorite ladies, baba Rossi.

Here's my dad and djado in the back garden.

Here's my dad laughing with his parents.

Here's me trying to see around baba's back.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Experience with a Spoon

Checking out the spoon...

Reaching for food with hand while HOLDING the spoon...

Sucking on the wrong end of the spoon...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wooden Bowls

Mom put these wooden bowls on a shelf within my reach and I like to knock them down and play with them.