Sunday, March 29, 2009

My favorite time of day!

Here I am in my bath. Mom stuck me in the bath right after eating my teething bisquit because she thought my face was a little dirty. Good thing I love the bath, so it was fine with me that she let me play in the bubbles.

Teething biscuits

Here's me in my high chair. Mom gave me a teething biscuit to chomp on.  It doesn't really help my teeth feel better. It hurts getting teeth!  I have 3 on the bottom now and 2 just broke through on top.  Phew!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Good and Bad Day

Today was both a good and a bad day.  First, mom took me to get blood drawn for a lead test.  Yikes it was scary.  Crying and squirming did not make them stop grabbing my arm and sticking me with a needle.  Good thing mom was there and I could nurse right after the afront. Take a look at the huge bandage on my arm. It is decorated with cars.

Later on we went to the park to hang out with my friend Isaac and his mom, Elisa. We had a GREAT time. We swung on the swing--Isaac and I both sat in the swing at the same time, facing different directions. I LOVE the swing!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Playing chase

My new favorite game is to play "chase".  I see someone coming up behind me while I am crawling.  I then start giggling while they are chasing me.  After a few minutes they pick me up and I giggle like a maniac!  (Note from mom: This is particularly funny for the adult because the "chasing" speed is glacial!  We are basically shuffling along after Niko while he giggles and goes as fast as he can)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Swimming with Mom

Mom put me in these cute new trunks when we went swimming this week.  I love swimming!  I am starting to try to swim away from mom.  Good thing she doesn't let me get very far because I'm not crazy about getting my head under water.

Hanging out with the fam

Here's me with my lelja Zlatka.  She's very cool.  She's the one who got me the fancy car.

Here's me with a very important lady--baba Rossi.  I am telling her a funny story.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cute Hat

Mom put me in this stupid hat.  I tried to take it off, but somehow it was stuck to my head.
Since I couldn't get the hat off, I decided to check on our internet connection.  I spend a lot of time trying to get everything set up with the wires and the modem.  Dad usually tells me to stop, but I have to help them!
That got boring, so off I go down the hall.

Almost Crawling

Here's a video of me crawling across the kitchen.  I am getting excellent at the 'commando crawl' and have now mastered the traditional on-all-fours crawl as well!  Video of the new crawling style to come soon.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Got a bump on my head

I got a bump on my head last week.  I fell on the front steps and bumped my head and my nose.  The bottom pic shows me with my battle wounds and the top one shows me now, getting a lot better.  It is tough being so little!

Outing with Mom

Mom and I went on a long outing with Heidi and Ruby on Friday.  We went to a baby clothes sale and mom got me some cute new clothes. You can see examples at  Mom loves their clothes.  After the sale we met Elisa, Isaac, Angela and Maya in the park near our house.  I was pretty pooped after it was all over.

Showing Djado

I hung out with djado a little this morning.  Here's me trying to show him something.  The only two words I can say are: 'ba' and 'bu', so it is a little hard to get the big people to understand what I mean.  I keep trying, though.

Birthday Party

I went to Daniel's first birthday party this afternoon.  It was fun except that they had me wear this hat.  The hat only lasted on my head a few minutes, then dad wore it. Here's me with dad.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New drawer of toys!

My mom recently introduced me to the drawer full of tupperware!  It is too cool for words.  I have been chewing and tossing these plastic toys around all afternoon.

Bye, Mom

I crawled my way to the front door and was all ready to take myself outside when Mom caught up with me.  She didn't seem to want me to take off by myself...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Toys, toys, toys!

Here are some shots of me in my play area SURROUNDED by toys.  I am so lucky that lots of people like to give me toys.  Some of my favorites are my blocks from Mimi, my car walker from lelja and here I am playing with some toys that used to be my buddy Teddy's.  He is too old to play with these mongo legos, so good thing he shared them with me.

Standing up in bed!

I have developed this cool new trick that makes my mom a bit nervous.  Now I can pull myself up to standing in bed!  My mom had djado (grandpa) lower my mattress once already and she might have to do that again soon.  So far I haven't figured out how to climb OUT of the crib, but it is on my agenda in the next few months.

Cece's Brithday Party!

My mom went to Cece's party by herself because I have had a cold.  My mom had a lot of fun at the party.  We got to meet some of Cece's friends and also got to see Elisa and Isaac.  Issac was looking very snazzy as usual! Here are Cece and her mom looking adorable!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Flowers in the front yard!

My mom is very excited about the roses and bulbs she planted in the front yard.  A lot of them are starting to bloom now!

Sacked out

My mom usually takes me lots of fun places during the day.  Sometimes I just need a rest!

Me, Ruby and Heidi

Here's me and Ruby hanging out on Heidi (Ruby's mom's) lap.  We are at Keri and Aidan's house.  They just moved to Albuquerque and we are sad about that. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Me and Mom in the park

Here's a photo of me and mom in the park near my house.  I like the nifty carrier--it's comfy on mom's back.

Out on the grass

I had fun hanging out on the lawn with mom the other day.  I like to watch what my crazy kitty will do!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chestit Osmi Mart! (Happy Women's Day!)

I celebrated International Women's Day with the Bulgarian side of my family (baba, djado, lelja Zlatka, tati and mama).  We went to a local hamburger joint and it was very yummy!  Our waitress was Bulgarian, too, which was very cool. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New fancy car

As mentioned in a previous post, I got a new fancy car walker from Lelja Zlatka.  It is my favorite activity to ride around in my new car.  Here is a video of me enjoying a ride with djado helping out.

The bowl

One of the most exciting things about eating is getting to play with the bowl at the end of the meal.  Here is me posing with my orange bowl.

Lelja Zlatka's present!

Lelja Zlatka (or Auntie Zlatka for non-Bulgarians) got me this AWESOME car walker.  I can scoot around the house now and go wherever I want to go.  You can see from my face how excited I am about this new toy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hanging out with Tula

My friend Tula came over to hang out with us and she got a little sad (her mom wasn't there with us).  I thought I should cry, too--maybe she knew something I didn't!

Crawling (almost!)

Here is documentation of my most recent attempts to crawl.  I am getting a lot better at moving forward on my own!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recent head shots

My mom likes taking pics of me.  Not sure why.  Here are two recent ones.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting ready for swimming!

First, I had a power lunch with Mom to get my strength up.

Then I got changed for swimming.  Check out my fancy trunks.

Here's my buddy Katie with her mom, Kristy, ready to go!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Getting ready for a walk

Here's me with baba and djado getting ready to go for a walk.  They put this super cute baseball hat on me.

Eating Mimi's blocks

The blocks Mimi gave me for Christmas are my fave toys. I can toss them in the box, throw them around, or, my personal favorite, eat them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Asleep at last

Here's me at the end of my day.  Phew, I get to sleep!