Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lunch with my buddies

I had a great lunch with Ellis and my buddy Oliver.  We like to go to Flippers in Montclair and eat burgers and fries.  Now that mom is laid off, we have a lot more time to hang out with our friends.  Yeah!

Here's me and Oliver eating our toys.  Oliver kept trying to swipe the toys I was playing with.  I did some swiping of my own, too.  Our moms gave us cheerios, cheese and dried fruit.  Yummy!

Outing with mom

Mom and I went on a fun walk after we took some time to examine the garden.  Here I am in my stroller.

Here you can see the new leaves on one of the rose bushes and the hyacinth.

Earlier this year mom and I planted lots of bulbs and roses.  Now some of the bulbs are blooming!  Here is the first daffodil!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Riding High and Hanging with Meggie

Here I am having lunch with Meggie.  She is very fun to hang out with.

I had fun out hanging out with Mom and Meggie.  Here's me on Mom's shoulders!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baba i Djado i Park

I went on a walk with djado and baba to the park.  We spent 2 hours there!  They are awesome!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hanging out with Keri and Aidan

I went out for a walk and coffee with Keri and Aidan.  Here's me with Aidan in the background.

Here's my good buddy Keri (Aidan's mom).

Here's Aidan looking very cool in the sweatshirt Gary gave him.

Getting Around

I've been getting around much better. Almost crawling! I will post a picture that shows me moving better soon, but here is a preview.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Gotta nap before my big excursion to go swimming at the Y.

Bath (again)

Here's a better face shot of me from my most recent bath.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bathtime again

My favorite time of day is bathtime!  Here are my fave toys for bathtime--green dinosaur and plastic book.  Very fun toys.  Today during my bath I took a nose dive forward into the water.  Good thing mom was right there.  I ended up with some bath bubbles on my face!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Me with Mimi

Here is me with my Mimi from December.  She lives in So. California, so I don't get to see her as much as I would like.  She was the first person to teach me patty cake, though, and that was very important.  One of my favorite things is to watch people clap.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My evening

Tonight was busy!  First, I had to eat some cheerios.  It takes a lot of concentration to pick them up and get them in my mouth (see previous video for a detailed demonstration).

Then mom gave me a bath in the kitchen sink.  Quite fun!
Then off to snooze land with the kitty nearby.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fuzzy Hat

It has been a bit chilly up here in Oakland.  Good thing I have this snazzy hat to keep me warm.  It used to be my good friend Teddy's when he was a baby.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Fam

Here's me with the parents.  We took a walk down the street to Peet's and our friend Paul to a picture of all of us.  On the way home, I took a nap in the carrier.

Baba i Djado

I am very excited (you can see from my face!) that my baba and djado have come from Bulgaria to visit me.  They are staying until May! Here is a picture of me and my baba Rossi. (for those of you non-Bulgarians, 'baba i djado' means 'Grandma and Grandpa')

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Day in the Life of the Smidge

I had a fun day today.  It started off with going to the YMCA warm pool for a swim with mom and three of my other baby friends.  Here is me after swimming in my towel.
Then I went for lunch with my good friend Ellis.  Here she is holding me.  She also played with me and made funny faces -- she is hysterical.
Then, after we got home mom and I did some gardening.  Mom had to weed the roses and plant a few more bulbs.  Sammy and I helped.
After the gardening I got some kisses.
Finally, I had some dinner.  I am holding my dinner bowl because after I finish eating daddy gives me a *prize*.  The bowl I ate from!  That is the best part of the meal -- I get to play with the bowl.


This is my first time eating cheerios.  I'm not totally sure what is going on, but I know I am supposed to get them into my mouth.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Me and Meggie

This picture is more recent.  I love hanging out with Meggie.
This is one of my best buddies, Meggie. The bottom picture is of me and her when I was a *little* baby. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bath with dinosaur

Look at me splashing water over the edge of the sink.
I took a bath tonight in the sink.  Now I am a big enough boy that I don't have to sit in the infant bath tub.  It was fun to play with my plastic dinosaur.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I like to sleep on my tummy!  Here's me taking my afternoon nap.

Hanging with Michelle

I love hanging out with Michelle.  She is my best buddy!  Here we are at Peet's Coffee in the Gourmet Ghetto in Berkeley.